Thursday, July 7, 2011

Conclusion (6th Entry)

To conclude, doing this research paper was such an amazing experience. As it was expected, we encountered some difficulties in our team work such as: 
o   The decisions of the meeting times were not as easy as they seem to be;
o   We have been working on a topic then we changed it to a new topic after a week of research;
o   We spent a lot of time reading chapters from books and articles than we did not use at the end in our research paper.  
o   We had to discuss every single think we added in our research paper so that we both agree on the content on our research.
o   We had to discuss every single think we added in our research paper so that we both agree on the content on our research.
Ø  The conclusion of our research paper was:
            The overall goal of this research paper is to give a sense of what are some mechanisms leading to achieving sustainable tourism in a country. This term means in short a tourism that, given the suitable environment, prospers in terms of number and do not constitute a treat to the cultural and environmental domain of the host country. This study focuses mainly on Morocco as a potential main actor of the worldwide touristic scene for the next ten years. Regarding the ambitious goal of Morocco with a short-term goal becoming the 20th world destination in 2020, traditional mass tourism, based roughly on building more touristic accommodation at the expense of nature and cultural heritage of the country, turns irrelevant before such a huge number of tourists. Sustainable tourism seems to be the alternative for at the same time, achieving a high financial profit and protecting the environmental and cultural legacy of Morocco. This country represents indeed an excellent living example of an inner touristic policy aiming to make the transition from mass tourism to a more sustainable form of tourism. The major line around which the “Vision 2020” rotates is the idea of building a new structure of governance based on regionalization regarding the approach of tourism in Morocco. Multiple regional comities will be appointed to keep track of local initiatives to develop tourism in the region. This new approach is believed to be more effective and to valorize the cultural patrimony of regions across Morocco. Such an effort of making sustainable tourism in Moroccan policy illustrates perfectly the effort of a category of third world countries playing the new card of sustainability in order to develop economy through tourism.

Yassine Gaimes ©

Annotated Bibliography (5th Entry)

           Here we are. After going through the amazing research process for the first, we are finally done with our research paper!
From the very least beginning until the end, we have been paraphrasing others' ideas and quoting them. Thanks to the sources we have found and used, our research paper was an opportunity for us to learn more about sustainable tourism and the touristic strategies that Morocco is working on. In this blog entry, I would like to give the authors whose ideas were used in our research their credits. Here is the annotated bibliography of our research using the MLA style:

-       Apostolopoulos, Yorghos. Mediterranean Tourism. 2nd ed. Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2001. 226-235. Print.

Describes the development and the evolution of the Mediterranean tourism regarding socioeconomic and cultural changes. Few information were used from its chapter 15 “Moroccan Tourism” (p.226-235) written by Jacques Barbier, an expert in tourism. The used information was related to the negative impact of tourism on local communities such as emigration, imitation of tourists… 

-          Eric S. Ross, John A. Shoup, Driss Maghraoui and Abdelkrim Marzouk. Assessing Tourism in Essauira. Ifrane-Morocco. Akhawayn University in Ifrane. 2002. Print.
This book was published in 2002 by Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, its writers are who are highly qualified professors who are appreciated by their coworkers and AUI’ students. Actually, I had the chance to be in one the writers’ class in the Anthropology class. What attracted us in this book are the several sources from which the authors got the information and especially the provided definition of sustainable tourism that we needed in our research paper.

-          Hunter, F. Robert. "Manufacturing Exotica: Edith Wharton and Tourism in French Morocco, 1917-20." Middle Eastern Studies 46.1 (2010): 59-77. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 1 July 2011.

This is a peer reviewed academic journal article. It was published in 2010. It was    a very useful source for our research especially when relating the history of tourism in Morocco. However, unfortunately, we think that this article is not well organized because it contains a lot of words without numbering the sections; this slightly complicates the reading and the understanding of the content.

-       Iraqi, Fahd. "2020 entre vision et mirage." TELQUEL. 7 January 2011: 44-46. Print.
Iraqi is journalist who write economic article; thus, the article used in this research relates the impacts of “Vision 2020” on Morocco especially regarding Economy. The author of this article took his information from the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism, which makes the information more reliable. In addition, TELQUEL is a weekly magazine; it is known by its critical editorial line towards the Moroccan government.  

-          Morocco Tourism Report 2011, November 2010 accessible via
This is the official website of the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism that provide  important and recent information about the touristic plans and the strategies that Morocco is working on and relates any update regularly as a part of a transparency with Moroccans who  are interested in following the actuality in the Moroccan tourism industry. This website helped us find information about “Vision 2020” that relies on sustainable tourism and its expected impacts on Morocco.

-       Mowforth, Martin and Ian, Munt. Tourism and sustainability: new tourism in the third world. 2nd ed. 2003. London: Routledge, 2003. Print.
Argues the support of underdeveloped countries such as Morocco on sustainability as a mean to escape from underdevelopment. This source was used mainly in the introduction to give a background information about Morocco as a Third World country and sustainability in tourism.

-       World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 2001, 2009, and 2010.

Provides exact and reliable world tourism statistics based on professional criteria in the field of tourism. It was mainly used to give information about the ranking of Morocco among the worldwide touristic destination in 2001 and 2010, as well as its ranking in Africa and Middle East in 2009.

Yassine Gaimes ©